A quik jot down of a couple that i have. Sammy the peace bear x 2. Bear the blue peace bear. Curly, double ii in original error, 1993/1996 error x3. Princess Diane, possible errors x 2. Valentino, possible errors, 1993. Valentina, possible errors x 5. Iggy, with and without tounge x3. Amber, Silver, Snap the cats x3. Gracie the swan, pvc pellots, 1997 x3, 1 has og tag, says Style 4126, no UK error. Hoppity, double ii in original error. Qaucker, yellow duck, 1993 x2. Bones, pvc pellots, 1993/1994 errors. More that aren’t listed, if your looking for specific Ty dm me I’ll look, thanks.