IF YOU KNOW THE WORLD FAMOUS Ty BRAND. THEN YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW THAT. This LIMITED PRODUCTION 1st GENERATION ORIGINAL Ty Beanie Baby Pinchers the Lobster is ONE OF THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE and MUST HAVE for ANYONE’S TY Beanie Baby COLLECTION!! This HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER “Pinchers” the Lobster is from the VERY FIRST Ty Beanie Baby PRODUCTION LINE in 1993! In MINT CONDITION, “Pinchers” comes with an acrylic protective display case and ear tag protector and from a certified reseller’s estate, and a smoke free, pet free, climate controlled environment; where he’s been hiding safely for the last 3 decades now!! Along with being handmade and stuffed with the original P. C Pellets, this “Pinchers” also, comes with SEVERAL TUSH TAG and SWING TAG ERRORS adding to his already HIGH VALUE for INVESTORS and COLLECTORS alike! For more details on what makes this “Pinchers” the Lobster so valuable, please see below. “TY” is in all caps on the backside of the tush tag before INC. No comma after “OAKBROOK” IL. No period after U. No period after P. Style number is on the same line as the “Pinchers” name. DOB (birthdate) is numerical and NOT written out. No “R” (registered mark) above at the end of “The Beanie Babies Collection” on left side of swing tag. No comma after “Oakbrook” IL. ” after “P015 5TX. We have 250+ mint condition, limited production line, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Original Ty Beanie Babies available for sale, which are being safely held in our climate controlled warehouse. Chances are we have what you’ve been looking to add to your collection and we are always willing to negotiate with the right buyers! 100% guaranteed authentic and priced under its appraisal for a limited time only! And as always, Happy Collecting!!