Original 1990’s TY Beanie Baby Collection, 101 in total, some rare, most w/ tag errors, and most also w/ PVC pellets. My Mom bought and stored these for decades in her smoke free home in Virginia. All are what I would consider to be near mint to mint w/ only 3 exceptions. Claude the crab is the only one missing a tag (along with Inch the Teenie Beanie Baby), Derby the horse, Smoochy the frog, & Goochy the Octopus have disconnected tags. Rare w/ PVC pellets and errors include Snort, Batty, Inky, Gobbles, Hippity, Hoppity, Floppity, etc. Totals are as follows. 58 Original Beanie Babies (1 w/ no tag, 3 with disconnected tags). 9 Teenie Beanie Babies (1 w/ no tag). 23 McDonalds Bagged Teenie Beanie Babies (whole set + duplicates). 11 Carded McDonalds Beanie Babies (1 with yellowing plastic bubble) – most of the card backs are unbroken, but I was able to carefully look through 3 of them and they all have the 1993 tags, so I’m assuming they all have the errors.