4 have no tags, 1 has tagged safety pinned on it, Princess tag is attached by a string but all others have tags. All are in fair to good condition. One larger lady bug beanie buddy is included as well. Most are older ones, like some of the original beanie babies. Some are dirty, will need a minor cleaning. I’ll try to post what is all included in this lot. Also throwing in a handful or 2 of the mini ones as well. Those will not be in the listing below but will be pictured. If you have any questions please feel free to message me! Open to offers though! Princess – tagged hanging with string. Spangle – 1 White head 1 Pink head. Kiwi – tagged safety pinned. Magic x 2 – 1 no tag and 1 little dirty. Happy – little dirty. Twigs – little dirty. Snip – little dirty. Patti – no tag. Batty – no tag. Grunt – no tag.