TY Beanie Baby collectible SEAWEED # 4080 1996 Original Initial Issue NEW PVC 1st Edition Multiple Tag Rarities Investment. The original cuddly brown sea animal debuted in 1996 at the beginning of the Beanie Baby craze. Seaweed’s first offspring were limited in number because there were several errors that had to be corrected from the original. The original tush tags had several errors. If you find a Seaweed Beanie Baby that is an original version, here are things to look for on the tag. The birthday is written in all numbers, not written out as most Beanie tags do. Then there is no stamp inside the tag in the original versions of Seaweed. There is also no star or heart. Although it seems as if these poor original Seaweed Beanie Babies would not be worth much, because of the quick correction to the tag, the originals are actually worth far more than future generations of Seaweed. ULTRA RARE Original issue. ULTRA RARE Most Valuable All Numeric Birth date 3-19-96. Pellets (Only used on 1st Editions with no stamp or number on the inside of the Tush Tag). ULTRA RARE Red Star on the Tush Tag (Never Used with PVC Pellets). ULTRA RARE Most Valuable Farehan Hants PO15 5TX U. ULTRA RARE No U. ULTRA RARE 1996 Birth date on Swing tag 1995 on Tush tag. ULTRA RARE No comma between Oakbrook and IL on both tags. ULTRA RARE Oakbrook Misspelled should be Oak Brook on both tags. ULTRA RARE TY INC 1995., on the Tush Tag All Caps. ULTRA RARE the comma after INC. On the Tush tag should not be there. 1965 (KR) designations on the tush tag.